Misunderstood. Confused.


by Joy Division

Walk in silence,
Don’t walk away, in silence.
See the danger,
Always danger,
Endless talking,
Life rebuilding,
Don’t walk away.

Walk in silence,
Don’t turn away, in silence.
Your confusion,
My illusion,
Worn like a mask of self-hate,
Confronts and then dies.
Don’t walk away.

People like you find it easy,
Naked to see,
Walking on air.
Hunting by the rivers,
Through the streets,
Every corner abandoned too soon,
Set down with due care.
Don’t walk away, in silence,
Don’t walk away.

The Longing for Belonging

A disciple's study

So very important words from Actsweb.com

And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. Hebrews 10:25

There is deep within the heart and soul of every one of us a need and longing to belong. The one who has no sense of belonging and being connected in relationship to at least one meaningful companion or friend, is more likely than not to become physically ill, depressed, a patient in a mental institution, or even suicidal. It may not be the most desirable but we can live without being in a romantic relationship, but we cannot live healthily without having at least one (and preferably more) healthy relationships.

Not belonging, not feeling loved and accepted and/or being rejected can be one of life’s most painful experiences. Ralph Keyes in his book Is…

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To The One I Love

Dear Kuya,

Even though Valentines’ Day’s been over ages ago, I’d still post this lovely, poignant piece just for you today. I don’t usually celebrate it, but I think I’ll do so because you are an exception. My new-found friend from afar, who lives down in Colorado: this is solely dedicated for you.

Are you still deaf? I’ve been calling out your name while you kept bemoaning about how lonely you are over there. You wish to be with me, but you know I’ve been on a budget…and I don’t want you wasting all your savings just to risk coming over, down under.

Mean people are everywhere. We can’t change the way we are – our way, that is. If God allows it, you’d find work here where you can just live near me. Still, it’s all wishful thinking, and I’m being too sugary about my affections for you. Haha, I’m not always like this. At least, haven’t been for a very long time (when was that? Ten years ago!).

I’m being my most casual self here. Well, I have nothing to hide from you. You are a dear and you’re not easy to forget…sorry if I keep sounding like in some cheesy romantic soap opera…hang on…oh…I think this is fine, right? Years from now, I’d be laughing at this…ah, these sweet nothings! But thank you, for accepting me  for who I am, anyway. Not many can I say about the others about you here. You respect and cherish me even without having met me – yet. Am I showing that all too familiar feeling being “young and in love”? Perhaps. But what is wrong with that? It isn’t like I can experience something like this all the time. I know and you know that we connect really well together. For your age, you are so energetic, and I wish that I have that in me all the time. You are more optimistic than I am and you think you might pull through here, where I live in now. You tend to think the grass is greener than your own pastures…I think we have to be a little more realistic here – I feel the same way about this place where I am.

I guess we just don’t belong anywhere. It isn’t the place, but people around us. You are as simple as I am – and in this all too complex world, there is little room for us to flourish. But please be very patient; let’s not rush like fools.

I’ve been playing this song over and over from my phone. I imagine sending you all my precious photographs of myself dressing up like a nice little T’boli native woman. Haha. I wish I was from that culture. And not one being a product of wasteful, materialistic commercial ads. It is saturated with filth over here, so don’t think it’s just you floundering in this chaos.

Better go now. And get some new refreshment by climbing up some mountains over there. You do like some adventure, don’t you? Well, I know you want to spend that over with me. Anyway, *mari, my love, and take care.

God Bless and with all love and hope,

Cebuana from Melbourne 


*goodbye  in Indonesian

Where I’ve Gone Just Then


My head wants to travel again in all beautiful places. My mind somehow wandered across through the earth and found its way – way up north. There it found colourful tints sprayed onto the winter skies. And the music it dances to only accentuates such experience.

This is now added to my collection of silly imaginations. Well, this isn’t silly, but my ideas accompanying it can be so bizarre that I wish I really made this. Okay, I am beginning to babble nonsense again. I just wish that I can create something just as beautiful, creative and inspiring. Well, if only lazy bones don’t frequently get on the way.

Admittedly, I had planned on a very long post about my interest for this particular movie, but then my mum called out from the kitchen to get me to do the laundry. But I stayed on here anyway (naughty!). And suddenly this caught my attention. Sorry for my misbehaviour.  Still, it’s inspiring in its presentation and worth sharing to you all.

Happy 2014 everyone.

Tongue Full of Awful

Happy New Year, everyone!

I am looking forward to redeeming myself this year and in the future. As always.


I just have to express something here that is dear to my heart – I feel sorry for my neighbours next door. Almost everyday, I get to hear hollering and swearing off with F-bombs and a whole number of crass words that the family is saying to one another. Most especially with the dad towards his four -year old son. I cannot believe from what I hear from this father who tells his son that he is a worthless [expletives] sort of person. And can you believe I would often hear this loud and clear almost frequently? I also feel that they have a violent streak to them, so the hope of even saving that child from such verbal abuse seems clearly useless. I could even sometimes hear glasses broken and shouting and loud sobbing…I am such a pathetic person to not even do something to help them from harming themselves.

Even though they are nice towards us, I still feel uneasy whenever they do that to one another. It is just awful to be that person who just constantly swears and throws shards of breakable objects whenever they feel too angry and frustrated about anything.  Am I being a busybody? I mean, really, who would NOT care if that four year old boy gets to hear his own father tell him that he is a worthless piece of [expletive] almost frequently? Is that good to feed his little mind with such rubbish? I only feel anger and pity that they would make this boy see and hear ugly things they do. Growing up with nannies who themselves tend to abuse who they cared for only comes to mind whenever such things happen over in that house.

Do I also do the same? Um, no. I don’t swear at somebody whenever I have a bad day. I’ve been taught to have respect for everyone, even if these people I meet aren’t treating me fairly. They all do deserve respect, even if they all are just mocking me or insulting. Be like Christ is who I aim to be. I am not saying that I am all righteous, but that striving to reach that goal of perfection is always better than descending into somebody who rejoices over misery and condescension. Still, there are times that I do tend to provoke others in my family but not in name-calling. Rather by blaming them over something, because I don’t take their criticism over my wrong actions all lightly. I have yet to learn more in this life…

But it is still awful to hear a lot of vulgarity from somebody. It really gives off a powerful negative energy that sends even my back shivering a bit. Yeah, I am very sensitive in that aspect. Because here at home, I am not used to that and it has been ingrained in me that it makes a person so foul to have a fiery and filthy tongue. The world today is already getting too cynical and have been inclined more to do evil things so hearing those awful things in the new year isn’t going to make the future really promising.

The word self-control is such a rarity today. Everyone seems to want to act out of their own impulses. There goes what Paul says, “everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial”. I think that’s in his letter to the Ephesians, right? I hope I am right. There is no sense of  “contemplating carefully before you do” kind of attitude among ourselves. I struggle with it so many times, so I am speaking for myself as well. I have just watched some videos at random, and some of them have just obnoxious  things to say about people they don’t like or agree with. I shouldn’t have heeded my curiosity. Their cynicism really let my spirit down and that’s just not good to start off the year like this.

I hope that I am not boring you with all this droning… I just care an awful lot about how people treat others. Even if you disapprove with what they do, at least separate the person from their deeds. Judge them accordingly as God does to us (and how I miss God now after those things came to me like firecrackers).

Anyway, I hope that you all have had a great break!

dibujos de tristesa


P.S. That little boy deserves a lot of hugs.




Reminiscing the Past: The Filipino Way

I was born in the 90s and vaguely remembered how life was a little simpler then. 1995 was a special year for me, even though I was only four. It was the happiest time for me, and I was such a child full of zest. That decade was, I believe, the last decade to be proud of being child-like. Nowadays, I see everywhere things that keep preying on the innocence of people. Farewell, to all of you children at heart, and I really hate to see you all go.

The Disturbing Realization About A Certain Filipino Product


White skin lotions.

The first time I had put on some was when I was eight years old. And I think I did it for a few years until we just stopped purchasing it, because it was getting more and more expensive. All those years I had thought that this stuff was supposed to keep my skin healthy, oh you know, like how vaseline keeps my skin from getting dry in a very scorching Melbourne weather. Sun block was all I thought they served as. And even my parents, who aren’t racists themselves, had been duped by the subliminal messages such products represented. At that time, this was starting to get all the rage. I guess almost everyone I knew fell for it. Thinking this is a way to keep ‘good’ skin condition. Until I immigrated, I never had the realization how this impacts filipino society. I looked at a number who put on those sun tan lotions for the same reasons – or for benign purposes. Whichever they are, it’s still disturbing to say the least.

Then when I did find out about its ulterior intent, I felt guilty. This was social engineering at its ugliest. To think that these things are supposed to make me ‘look’ good because it makes my skin a little lighter in tone… just awful and sad. I guess my parents didn’t get that memo either when they saw the ‘white’ in that tag as they bought that darn thing. My sister and I had just contemplated over it when my friend and schoolmate in high school talked about it with me in my vocal lessons. She had a friend who had visited the Philippines and expressed her surprise on how many sell lotions to ‘whiten up’. It stirred up my mind to no end. My friend, thought that this was just some cultural trait among us. Or so I thought. Even so, she was surprised and puzzled about it. Yeah, even I, too feel this was shocking when she mentioned it. It was shocking even that I had not thought about it until only she said anything about it at all. Then after that, I just felt very embarrassed. Well, it isn’t something to be proud of, right? But sadly, this hasn’t made the rest of them back home realise it at all.

Oh filipinos, what is wrong with our smooth-looking brown pigment? It is even more ironic that the pale-skinned friends I had in high school wished that they had my skin. I wanted to tell them that they should be happy for what they got. It’s not helping our case here when you start to envy somebody else for what you don’t have. And those ugly tan lotions, too. Ugh. I had seen several who had in their bodies – and they don’t look very pleasant with them. It looked so unnatural on them. As unnatural as the ones I see in filipino media industry who obviously got their bodies ‘whitened’. Seriously? Are you not ashamed of this? There’s just so much innate racism in our culture, and it must stop. The colonial mentality we’ve had for centuries should not anymore continue today. It is not helping us grow in our own society.

Look here, I am not interested in putting anybody down. If you still use it for other reasons not mentioned here then that is your prerogative. But it remains that these products have very apparent reasons why they are even selling a lot in the Philippines. I remember when I was little how often I get told not to stay under the sun for too long. Reasons? Well, it’s because I’d get too dark. My yaya (nanny in my country) said this, though. Not my parents, even though my dad sometimes alludes beauty with the pale skin colour and the long caucasian nose. When I think about them now, I realise how much ignorance there has been in terms of our own problems. In our country, white meant many good things. It represents class and power. Mainly those. And they are the sole reasons why we find it highly attractive. Take for example this actress Rita Avila. Hehe, don’t ask me how I knew about her. The yayas I used to have would often watch dull and tepid filipino mainstream films on TV in the late 90s. The roles she took on could have been played by your average filipino female. But sadly, even when they showed some believable brown beauties, they get under the radar in the local media.

I don’t know if things have been changing, because I know that our independent scene is more liberating. There are films by someone renowned internationally such as Lav Diaz who is helping to change all that. And I know that there are others, too. But such bad cultural attitudes towards ourselves are still pervasive. I mean, I haven’t even seen any Lav Diaz films, admittedly. I only read about them and had only the trailers to tell me the hint about his signature works. So the average pinoy cannot even view them because they needed more and more market campaigning. Sheesh, like politics again. Nevertheless, hearing something like this is giving me some hope of a much better representation of us in our own media. And I also hope that some actors breaking through the media scene would be ones that aren’t anymore connected with the people in the industry itself. Because most of those with such connections are the well-off, biracial people. Again, I don’t want to demean anyone. All I am asking is fair and honest representation of us on screen and everywhere in the billboards. When will we get to see more down-to-earth beauties like Charo Ronquillo?


I hope that I won’t get misinterpreted here. I still admire the beauty of Rita Avila (especially when she was still younger), and there are some who I admit are really a stand-out for me like Megan Young who won the Miss World this year. But let’s just be honest with ourselves, because I believe we are still beautiful as a people even without being lighter in skin tone or without that caucasian nose.

Get the message?


I’ve had anxiety issues ever since I started knowing much about my surroundings. Often I get curious, accompanying it with worries of the unknowable. I’ve had series of worry bouts when I was in first grade that it was the worst thing that I have ever experienced throughout my early elementary school years. Before the bell rings for the first class, I would often get out of the room and start to cry because I couldn’t deal with the new environment around me. I was worried that I’d get picked on like the previous times they did. Unfortunately, I am such an emotional person that every time they said something they didn’t like about me, I’d burst into quiet tears. Like just crying with my head down – and I’ve just realised that this would have really upset those kids. Because, they too, didn’t like to be placed in the wrong. But the teachers there weren’t protective of their students so I was left to mope by myself – in my own neurotic cove in my mind. The kids who noticed me when I cry all the time would tell me to stop. I just couldn’t believe that I’d be crying everyday through that school year! No wonder I have these horrible eye bags.

I used to never be able to stand up for myself. So I usually do things as they told me to, and I just felt like a puppet with them manipulating me. I hated their stupid games. At seven, I already thought of things that other kids still wouldn’t really think about. I would rather go up the stairs to the second floor and stare at artworks made by the high school ‘ates’ girls who I thought were really inspiring with their immense skills. I had always thought that being in high school would already make you a grown-up. How wrong I was (haha).

I would also visit the school chapel and attend a short mass there, which had always given me comfort before I get to my dreaded afternoon classes. Then when I got back to my classroom I still found myself lost again. And then feelings of extreme worry and anxiety sets in…and it really was burdensome trying to hold back those tears. I would often be relieved after school because that was where I found my real friends and playmates. Funny that these same kids in my classes didn’t treat me the same way they did on those playgrounds. That was the most memorable aspects of my elementary school years. I am afraid kids these days at that age don’t do those same things anymore as I did. All they have now for ‘play’ things are those game consoles. Even when we had them as a young kid, I still wasn’t really interested in them. Until now, I still wouldn’t touch those.

So as the years went, I’ve turned a little bit better in terms of my confidence level. And then the saddest thing happened – we migrated overseas. The first year in that high school in Melbourne was the worst thing ever. Such an immense culture shock it was! People were too forward and too all out in whatever they say. Opinions! Oh, my! That experience really made me more neurotic than before. I felt like I had to tiptoe through the rest of that school year (2005) just so to keep myself away from making enemies when I was only a very new student – literally fresh off the plane. Still, there were girls who really just hated my presence there. And I was already sick by it all. The following year, I moved to another school because it was less expensive and because my friend in the neighborhood used to go there. Sadly, when she moved out of that new school, I was left alone again. And I cried suddenly at one point in front of the class over some issues I got when they made comments about my faith. I worried from time to time thinking I would never be able to avoid those intimidating situations.

I have learned to cope with my loneliness. I have had good acquaintances from time to time, but it never was the same as really establishing life time companions. People here no longer value simple and nice things in their lives. They always had to create something controversial and ‘complex’ to get them excited and interested. Shock value is overrated. I still long for a great companion. God is my number one, I know. But I’m sure that He’ll find me someone who I can trust while here on earth (aside from my family and close relatives). And I guess today, I have to lose my worrying tendencies. In order to find a good place in this world I have to lose the terrible mindset of getting anxious and worried that I’ll never find a friend who I can put my trust in.

They are there somewhere, I know…

A disciple's study


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