A Dysfunctional Culture

This is something I want to point out about my old home country. Let’s all get rid of this epidemic.

Modern Philippines

Culture is a difficult concept for most of us to understand and relate to.  Culture is deep inside us and does functions unnoticed for most of us. It is a set of underlying basic assumptions, values and concepts that functions similar to an operating system. All groups of people develop over time such a model of assumptions and values that have been proven to be effective in dealing with the internal (within the group) and external  environment. The culture is thus the basic underlying programming that has served the group well over time and allowed them to survive and prosper.

A culture is built up over many centuries and evolves only slow and is not easy to influence or adapt. There are many well documented so called culture shocks of groups that have been living in a stable environment which is suddenly disturbed by a sudden climatic change or a…

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To Show My Appreciation for Folk Music (Philippines)

I have this deep appreciation for filipino folklore and folk music. Most particularly from minority, indigenous cultures that have been preserved for centuries. When I was about seven, I learned at school about different ethnic groups in the Philippines. I recalled some of them from memory like the most obvious one, the Igorots from the Mountain Province up north of Luzon. Then I also knew about the Negritos or the Aetas, who were actually the first settlers of these parts of the islands. Well, as a native Cebuano, I can be counted in as just one of those many ethnic groups. Before we were colonised by Spain (and Mexico, to be specific), we were tribes of animists who weren’t really good to each other when we crossed each other’s paths (is this why we developed the art of killing – arnis?). We were once known as pintados “the painted ones” by the foreign invaders, because we had those ornamental tattoos around our bodies (that is, until of course we were colonised). But even through the late nineteenth century, we were still referred to as such by the native northerners (I might be mistaken here, but oh well) to make distinction of ourselves from all the other existing groups.

I could just be all wrong from what I just stated above, but I don’t care for accuracy at the moment. My love for those old folk stories has made me curious of our different cultures. From things I’ve learned then, I remember those stories about Bathala (the pagan supreme being) and the D’wata (before I knew that this was the supreme deity of the T’boli tribe). I thought before that D’wata (I hope I spelled this right, lazy), were referring to the sea nymphs from those variety of folk stories I read. D’wata, for the T’boli people I found out later, is the one god who lives not only in heaven but also around the earth – in nature. So of course, there are those spirits dwelling in those trees (even some of my relatives half-believe this) and in the waters, as well. I agree with that, for I know God’s  handprints are on these beautiful places where these people live (perhaps going there for vacation might be my next priority).

Being saturated so much with the post-modern urban chaos, I took to reading and watching the T’boli people perform their dances and their music ;I just find their culture beautiful. T’boli music reminded me of some Japanese folk music I once heard over in a CD. And I find it delightful that even some foreigners have taken interest in their music, too. Sadly, most of the young ones there have almost lost their own unique cultural practices to trade in a lot of what I find the globalisation rubbish from the outside. I don’t even remember anyone my age having even listened to this sort of music. They’d mostly go for American pop today (which is full of pig’s manure), and even try to dress and behave like the Westerners they think are richer than they are. I can’t blame them. When you have a government whose hands are often known for filth and devilry (yes, those possessed souls!), people would try to escape the bad reality (I am one of them, admittedly).

Still, if they all just reflect for a sec, they would have found in our own cultures, something like a diamond in a rough. Just hearing the music makes me hopeful at times. And I wish every filipino can just feel the same way about our indigenous cultures.

Ah, the nostalgia…

A Prayer for Not Being Idle about Our Idols

A prayer that I should say most of my life.

A disciple's study

SCOTTY SMITH at Heavenward

Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.1 John 5:21

Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.1 Cor. 10:14

Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.Jonah 2:8

     Dear heavenly Father, these Scriptures about idolatry cause me pause and drive me to the resources of the gospel today. Idolatry is everywhere because there’s no such thing as a non-worshiper.

In Rome, I’ve seen statues of the various gods that filled the temples and lifestyle of that great ancient city. In London, I visited the biggest Hindu temple in the city and wandered from station to station as worshipers offered prayers and gifts to deities that looked so strange to me. In Israel, I photographed decaying remains of various idols—constant competition for the worship of the people of God.

Yet for me to obey the commands to “keep myself…

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Waiting Room behavior

I can so relate to this.

A disciple's study

from Living More Abundantly blog

Have you been waiting on God for some time for an answer? I have. I have cried out to God several times for a situation to be resolved and I am still waiting. I had initially hoped He would resolve the issue quickly and all would be well. He has not done so, despite many prayers and petitions. Do I think He is ignoring me? NO, I know He hears my cry and I also know He will answer it in His time.

If I am completely honest I must admit in my earlier walk with Christ I used to get very annoyed and sometimes very angry when I didn’t see answers come quickly. Sadly I see many believers still behaving in the same way. If God doesn’t answer them how and when they want Him to, they rebel in their hearts. It’s as if we…

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Where I’ve Gone Just Then


My head wants to travel again in all beautiful places. My mind somehow wandered across through the earth and found its way – way up north. There it found colourful tints sprayed onto the winter skies. And the music it dances to only accentuates such experience.

This is now added to my collection of silly imaginations. Well, this isn’t silly, but my ideas accompanying it can be so bizarre that I wish I really made this. Okay, I am beginning to babble nonsense again. I just wish that I can create something just as beautiful, creative and inspiring. Well, if only lazy bones don’t frequently get on the way.

Admittedly, I had planned on a very long post about my interest for this particular movie, but then my mum called out from the kitchen to get me to do the laundry. But I stayed on here anyway (naughty!). And suddenly this caught my attention. Sorry for my misbehaviour.  Still, it’s inspiring in its presentation and worth sharing to you all.

Happy 2014 everyone.

Ten Reasons “Tent Makers” Make Great Christian “Case Makers”

Ten Reasons “Tent Makers” Make Great Christian “Case Makers”.

I am broke and a trying – hard – to – become a Christian apologist. I have been trying to get the local Christian bookstore to order the book by an upcoming apologist, J. Warner Wallace, whose work in forensic investigations has led him eventually to the Christian faith and has since been active in his own ministry for more than ten years. He has just published a book that might bring his fresh insight into what we know of the background foundations of Christianity, entitled, “Cold Case Christianity”. Admittedly, I have only watched him talk about the contents of his book but still have not received word yet from the bookstore on it. A little disappointed, but it is still worth the wait, anyway.

I have always wanted to become like some disciple warrior like Saint Paul. When I was twelve, the history of my faith first fascinated me when I read this book containing the calendar for 2003 and the life of the saints. Don’t remember what it’s called now, but from what I found at that age was emotionally and spiritually stirring. The lives of the early Christians especially inspired me. Saint Agnes the Lamb, Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Saint Bibiana, and all those predating Constantine’s legalizing the Church had all made me yearn to be just like them in their faith journeys. And my searching through knowledge has since continued on.

I have twice experienced the power of God’s grace later on in my life here in Australia. One in 2006, when I was at one of my lowest of spirit. I felt very lonely and in spiritual desolation that I began to constantly pray more fervently to fill in the void in my heart. Then one morning after, I woke up with no emotional burden of any sort; so full of joy inside me. I have never seen the sunlight so calmly beautiful in my life. It’s that cheerful nostalgia that has overcome me. Of feeling loved and accepted by Him in spite of my situation. Then in April 2012, I was again, overcome by His great presence after praying very fervently. Before that happened, I was in spiritual turmoil. Actually, I felt persecuted from within. I now realized that it is moments like these in my life that I feel so close to Him.

Right here, I still have the desire to go after God’s heart again, and I thought that sharing this insightful article is something that would inspire anyone to go through their own faith journey with sincere determination.





Tongue Full of Awful

Happy New Year, everyone!

I am looking forward to redeeming myself this year and in the future. As always.


I just have to express something here that is dear to my heart – I feel sorry for my neighbours next door. Almost everyday, I get to hear hollering and swearing off with F-bombs and a whole number of crass words that the family is saying to one another. Most especially with the dad towards his four -year old son. I cannot believe from what I hear from this father who tells his son that he is a worthless [expletives] sort of person. And can you believe I would often hear this loud and clear almost frequently? I also feel that they have a violent streak to them, so the hope of even saving that child from such verbal abuse seems clearly useless. I could even sometimes hear glasses broken and shouting and loud sobbing…I am such a pathetic person to not even do something to help them from harming themselves.

Even though they are nice towards us, I still feel uneasy whenever they do that to one another. It is just awful to be that person who just constantly swears and throws shards of breakable objects whenever they feel too angry and frustrated about anything.  Am I being a busybody? I mean, really, who would NOT care if that four year old boy gets to hear his own father tell him that he is a worthless piece of [expletive] almost frequently? Is that good to feed his little mind with such rubbish? I only feel anger and pity that they would make this boy see and hear ugly things they do. Growing up with nannies who themselves tend to abuse who they cared for only comes to mind whenever such things happen over in that house.

Do I also do the same? Um, no. I don’t swear at somebody whenever I have a bad day. I’ve been taught to have respect for everyone, even if these people I meet aren’t treating me fairly. They all do deserve respect, even if they all are just mocking me or insulting. Be like Christ is who I aim to be. I am not saying that I am all righteous, but that striving to reach that goal of perfection is always better than descending into somebody who rejoices over misery and condescension. Still, there are times that I do tend to provoke others in my family but not in name-calling. Rather by blaming them over something, because I don’t take their criticism over my wrong actions all lightly. I have yet to learn more in this life…

But it is still awful to hear a lot of vulgarity from somebody. It really gives off a powerful negative energy that sends even my back shivering a bit. Yeah, I am very sensitive in that aspect. Because here at home, I am not used to that and it has been ingrained in me that it makes a person so foul to have a fiery and filthy tongue. The world today is already getting too cynical and have been inclined more to do evil things so hearing those awful things in the new year isn’t going to make the future really promising.

The word self-control is such a rarity today. Everyone seems to want to act out of their own impulses. There goes what Paul says, “everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial”. I think that’s in his letter to the Ephesians, right? I hope I am right. There is no sense of  “contemplating carefully before you do” kind of attitude among ourselves. I struggle with it so many times, so I am speaking for myself as well. I have just watched some videos at random, and some of them have just obnoxious  things to say about people they don’t like or agree with. I shouldn’t have heeded my curiosity. Their cynicism really let my spirit down and that’s just not good to start off the year like this.

I hope that I am not boring you with all this droning… I just care an awful lot about how people treat others. Even if you disapprove with what they do, at least separate the person from their deeds. Judge them accordingly as God does to us (and how I miss God now after those things came to me like firecrackers).

Anyway, I hope that you all have had a great break!

dibujos de tristesa


P.S. That little boy deserves a lot of hugs.